God has blessed me with Godly relationships in my life and I don't take this for granted. I have researched, taught and lived these principles out for decades. I want you all to have the most fulfilling relationships possible.
Connie is a joyful and energetic lover of life. Her and her husband, Ross, have been married for over 30 years. They have persevered through challenges because God has been a part of their relationship since before they were married. Connie is an expert at teaching people to control worrisome, and negative thoughts. She has taught wellness, stress management, and success strategies at the college level for over 20 years. Connie loves to teach people how to put these principles to work in every relationship in their lives. God created us for community and there are secrets you can learn to improve your relationships with family, at work, with friends, and in your marriage.
Don't miss this chance to invest in every relationship, current and future, in your life. This two-part webinar is valued at $129 but you can REGISTER NOW for ONLY $49 No Risk Money Back Guarantee
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