What Are You Missing Out On?

How many times have you stopped yourself from doing something because you were afraid of what other people were going to say or think? Or least what you imagined them saying and thinking?


“Oh, what will people think if they see me walk into a gym to workout? It’s been so long.”


“What was I thinking saying I would speak at that event? What are they going to say behind my back when I’m finished speaking?”


“I can’t ask for help. People will think I’m weak.”


If you are like most people, this happens more times than you would like to admit. It may even happen when you are not conscious of it. An idea may come to you and you just as quickly dismiss the idea for being “silly, or stupid.” What you don’t stop to consider is that the reason you may be dismissing that idea so quickly is because you are actually worried that someone else is going to think it is “silly or...

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